min förebild

Zizoe: Presentation:
well..something about me:I..m street dancer and choreographer in street dance crew BEAT UP BRNO..hm..there are just a few words that truly describes me: dance, smile:), fun, friends, family, music, spontaneous,restlessness...mostly i jump into things with my head without even lookin for a direction..or the destination.. ...Friends and close people give me inspiration to life. I'm Taurus, so i have some kind of natural creativity and it comes out of me through dancing..I'm tryin to make one big fun out of life than a problem, and my goals? I dunno, i wanna develop my potentional in dancing, but i dont have any specific target, i would like to travel, to see lots of things and i still expect from life the real ,,BOOM"..:o).. My motto: I feel and speak through dancing..dance and my crew is all my life.
Zizoe är min förebild!!! Hon är en jävligt bra Tjeckisk streetdansare och jag känner mig igen i det hon har skrivit i hennes presentation.
Postat av: erikaj
shit, jag trodde de var du som hade skrivit texten! :o :)