Sun and Good luck restaurant
Hi! tonight we're leaving Mumbai and are going to Goa. We are invited for dinner at the hotel cheif's family. I sounds weird but we have had a good contact with him these two days. And i'm happy to see how they are living, not many tourists can do that. So i this night I had some trouble falling asleep, you can't really manishing falling asleep without aircondition. We took breakfast, playing a little bit of poker and then we got up on the roof of the building and exposed to the sun and i took some pictures of the view. It aint very hot here in Mumbai, but in Goa i'll lay on the beach for hours. (haha must be more tanned than amanda! xD skoja! saknar dig amanda.) After we been laying in the sun, we took a shower and left. We ate at a resturant namned 'good luck resturant' where you could order brain! After every meal you get something to eat for the digestion. They were staring at us while we were eating to make sure that we liked it..or because we're white :P Anyway days are long but time goes by and within a hour we are going for dinner. So anyway i got exactly 3560 rupees, i have to spend 'em good. Even though i know i won't, i'll probably buy a lots of crap ;p But so far i'm happy over my purchases. Right now i'm in a cyber-cafe in near of our block. Internet is working fine, i'm chatting with my Sis and Josse ; ) you others are probably in school now (haha you losers!).
..And what else can I tell you about, there's a lot of men walking and working down the streets but no women, they are at home and it's too bad that the most women can't speak english. The most women seem sad actully..*host* LEO! skoja!
men jag saknar er! flesta av er iallafall, inte alla..inte nagon..utom amanda ! Vi seeeeeeeeeeeeees! (L)

..And what else can I tell you about, there's a lot of men walking and working down the streets but no women, they are at home and it's too bad that the most women can't speak english. The most women seem sad actully..*host* LEO! skoja!
men jag saknar er! flesta av er iallafall, inte alla..inte nagon..utom amanda ! Vi seeeeeeeeeeeeees! (L)

Art gallery and shopping
Today we slept to half past 12, our service at the guesthouse always call a few times at the morning to ask if we want breakfast. They must think we sleep to long. So at half past 12 we got our self up from our beds slowly, and down to eat breakfast, toast with scrambled eggs and coffee and tea. We walked to Kala ghoda, were we went to an art gallery. The oldest paintings were from the 50's. Then we went to a shoppingcentre buying pringles, juice, some indian snacks and incense sticks :) We ate at a resturant, i ordered a veg sandwish and some cool pink disgusting milkshake. Then we started walking to Colaba, i have bought two earrings, a neckless and a T-shirt where it says 'go blog yourself' , i thought it was kind of fun. We took a little rest at some expensive tourist resturant, I ate a mango icecream ;) And you know whats cool, i saw some bats yesterday! And today I saw a monkey ! Hihi. Anyway we are still in Colaba, in a internetcafe. It's 7 o clock and now i will try signing in on messenger. See ya!

Walking in Mumbai
Today my father cut his hair, he got some headmassage too actully xD
We have been walking a few kilometers at the wrong direction. We saw a different kind of laundry, cows (again) , goats, hens and cats. And also we photoshoot some kids at the laundry, they really got happy and faschinated. And I gave some of my gums to some other poor kids. I will try giving away some of my money every day, for charity to poor and hungry kids.
We have also seen the Gateway of India (porten till Indien) and the luxury hotel Taj Mahal. The really hard part was all the staring on us (espessially me) some just couldn't stop staring, i felt kind of odd. I bet many of them never seen a white person in their lifes.

We have been walking a few kilometers at the wrong direction. We saw a different kind of laundry, cows (again) , goats, hens and cats. And also we photoshoot some kids at the laundry, they really got happy and faschinated. And I gave some of my gums to some other poor kids. I will try giving away some of my money every day, for charity to poor and hungry kids.
We have also seen the Gateway of India (porten till Indien) and the luxury hotel Taj Mahal. The really hard part was all the staring on us (espessially me) some just couldn't stop staring, i felt kind of odd. I bet many of them never seen a white person in their lifes.

My first day in India
So, im writing in english.
After a long flyingtrip we arrive at mumbais airport. And i kind of get a clue how the ideal indian men and womans look like. I started uncompfortble when me and my dad where walking towards the taxi, i weared a skirt and showed my legs, all the men are wathing and the womans are just looking down at me. I would rather been popular around the womans.
So anyway we got some help from a beardy man to find our taxi (it was many of them) and he's knocking at the taxi where our driver was sleeping, but he woke up really quickly. And now we are going to our guesthouse caled MPT Guesthouse. But the driver was having problems finding it, he drived to the trainstation but after that we kept going around in circles and asking for directon. All the driving, looking out the window gave me an introduction to India.
It was about 6 am and I just saw a lot of things. I saw palmtrees, bushes. People were up started working, they walked beside the road with bags over their heads and backs. They were packing some kind of big bamboo sticks on a weagon pulled by cows, big cows! They sorted news papers on the street, and women were in a truck. A lot of workers , some of them kids. I saw people sleeping at the street. Wild cats chasing mouses and so much more. The room we got was really nice, not exactly luxury but fine. we sleeped to one o clock (indian time) we ate toast with scrambled eggs and coffee and tea. Now we are moving on. Bye!

After a long flyingtrip we arrive at mumbais airport. And i kind of get a clue how the ideal indian men and womans look like. I started uncompfortble when me and my dad where walking towards the taxi, i weared a skirt and showed my legs, all the men are wathing and the womans are just looking down at me. I would rather been popular around the womans.
So anyway we got some help from a beardy man to find our taxi (it was many of them) and he's knocking at the taxi where our driver was sleeping, but he woke up really quickly. And now we are going to our guesthouse caled MPT Guesthouse. But the driver was having problems finding it, he drived to the trainstation but after that we kept going around in circles and asking for directon. All the driving, looking out the window gave me an introduction to India.
It was about 6 am and I just saw a lot of things. I saw palmtrees, bushes. People were up started working, they walked beside the road with bags over their heads and backs. They were packing some kind of big bamboo sticks on a weagon pulled by cows, big cows! They sorted news papers on the street, and women were in a truck. A lot of workers , some of them kids. I saw people sleeping at the street. Wild cats chasing mouses and so much more. The room we got was really nice, not exactly luxury but fine. we sleeped to one o clock (indian time) we ate toast with scrambled eggs and coffee and tea. Now we are moving on. Bye!

Imorgon blir det av till Indien med far. Först till storstaden Bombay, där vi stannar en dag, sedan åker vi tåg till hippiesköna Goa. 32 ° varmt ! Vi åker klockan halv tio, kommer fram halv fem på natten och jag har intalat mig själv att jobba lite kemi på flyget men jag kommer förmodligen bli ännu nördigare och spela passians på ipoden, fast det är väl okej om man jämför med Erika som nöter Quadra pop på mobilen. Hursomhelst känns det en aning pirrigt att flyga, jag hatar starten då det går upp så jävla mycket annars är det väl rätt så chill. På onsdag blir det nog till stor del av dagen till att vila i Bombay efter den 19-timmars långa resan. Under vissa dagar kommer vi söka upp internetcafén så då kommer jag försöka blogga utan tillgången till Å, Ä och Ö.
Ha det bra i "underbara" Luleå. Så ses vi snart igen ! (R)
Ha det bra i "underbara" Luleå. Så ses vi snart igen ! (R)

Svenskt drama/thriller '97.
Det är natt. En polis fifflar med pengar, en desperat invandrare försöker få kontakt med sitt ex, två skinheads umgås på en bar, en arg skolungdom vill bränna upp skolan och ett bråkande sambopar ska just gå och lämna in en försenad film.
Det fortsätter med att polisen ber en kriminell att hjälpa honom med ett brott, den desperata invandraren ber skinheadsen om en underlig tjänst, den arga skolungdomen tycks inte vara den enda på skolan denna natt och att samboparet fortkör och möts av en de tror är en brottsling.
Dessa personers vägar kommer att korsas - för tre av dem slutar natten med tragedi, för några ljusnar morgondagen, för alla utom en går livet vidare.
Denna film är djup, brottslig, gnutta rolig och en aning romantisk och har grymt bra musik.
Denna film är djup, brottslig, gnutta rolig och en aning romantisk och har grymt bra musik.

Demostration mot kriget i Gaza idag.
Detta var det man skrek..eller ja..jag kan inte ni fattar principen..
musiic (R)
älskar 90-talsmusik..fatboy slim, blur, mc hammer, beastie boys, eiffel 65, prodigy, the cardigans, fattaru, heavenly och sonic youth. Mycket bättre än dagens amerikanska hip-hopare (som borde ha lite politiska åsikter!) som har en massa lättklädda kvinnor i bakrunden. Men jag antar att gatuhip-hopen är annorlundare. Okej så hiphopkulturen består av fyra saker; Rap, Beat och Scrathing, hiphopdanser och Streetart. Så det gör mig till en 1/4 hiphopare, nog för att jag håller på med streetart, men jag vill inte påstå att min typ av streetart tillhör hiphop. Jag gillar och hiphopmusik men jag vill heller inte påstå mig som en hiphopare. apropå musik så får ni gärna lyssna lite på min musik på bloggen! Den innehåller till stor del av 90-talsmusik :) förut gillade jag massa olika genre, t.o.m reggae men nu gillar jag det som faller rytmen och lite kulta låtar..
A.R.A.R ^^)
hejhej. kolla in min och amandas egna super potatisinspirerad blogg som heter; ;)
Enjoy ! :) (mobba inte, alla kan inte uttala sju!) ;)
Enjoy ! :) (mobba inte, alla kan inte uttala sju!)